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考试网  [ 2017年3月4日 ] 【

  Question:Participation can motivate employees by making them take 'ownership' of the task and increasing their commitment.

  In which of the following circumstances, however, would this not happen?

  A. The purpose of participation is not made clear

  B. Efforts at participation are maintained for a reasonable period

  C. Everyone is allowed to participate equally

  D. Participation is genuine

  The correct answer is:

  The purpose of participation is not made clear


  Everyone is allowed to participate equally

  Rationale: Participation will only work if the purpose is made clear and the individual has the ability and information to participate effectively (the principle of 'capacity'): otherwise, they will feel frustrated and under pressure.

  You may have hesitated over 'Efforts at participation are maintained for a reasonable period', but this is necessary for people to take participation seriously (the principle of 'consistency').

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