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来源:中华考试网   2010-04-03   【


Part one

What’s your full name?

Do you live in apartment or house? Do you think you will live there for a long time?

Where is your hometown?
What’s your major? Why did you choose it?  What kind of subjects do you have?

What kind of job do you want to do in the future?How to get the job u want?

How was your first day of university? why do you think the first day in school is important?First day in work, why it is important?

How many languages can you speak? Do you think learning English is hard? Why? Do you want to learn another language?

What kind of books do you like to read in your childhood? Why you think children should learn reading in their childhood?

What kind of weather do you like? Why? How does weather affect you? Do you pay attention to the weather forecast?

How do you know about the neighbor live next your door? how do you think the most of problems between neighbors and you?


your favorite sound from nature and why? The noise you hate the most?
Do you now how to cook? Who does cooking in your family? Did you learn cooking when you were young?


Are there many ads around us? What kind of ads do you like to watch, and why? What’s the difference between Chinese ad and western ad? Do advertisements ever influence your choice about what to buy? Do you prefer advertisement on TV or those in magazine?

vegetables and fruits?What’s your favorite fruit, why? Is it convenient for you to buy fresh fruit in your nationhood?

What kind of cloth do Chinese like to wear? Do you like to wear fashionable cloth?What’s the difference between the cloth nowadays and the past?

What about the public transport in your neighborhood?

Do you know how to drive? Is driving skill important? when is the best age for people to learn driving?


Do you read magazine or newspaper? What kind of information do you feel interested? Have you read a

Foreign magazine? Do u think reading English newspaper can help you with your English?

Do you think children should learn painting?为什么有些人家里会挂画? 你会买画吗?why?

平时与朋友在一起时间长还是家人? 觉得跟朋友在一起的时间够不够啊?你会邀请朋友到你的家里作客吗?和朋友的聚会去哪 ?


how you learnt using computer for the first time? Who use internet most in your country?

Do you often look at your watch? why?Why not? Do you think time moves slowly? what do you feel when you are late for something? What is your favorite time of a day?

What’s the difference between big shop and small shop? When was the last time you go shopping?
Among the places you have traveled to, which place you liked best? Which place you want to travel to?

Part 2 +3

1 a famous foreign artist
P3 艺术的重要性、商业价值、艺术的形式。What do you think is the main reason of point to make a person famous? Do you think someone can be famous but not to expect that previously? Special features of famous person? If china had internationally famous people, what benefit will there be? Why some multinational companies have internationally person as spokesperson, benefits? Do you think it’s suitable for famous people to marry a non-famous people?为什么有人愿意成名,成名后会带来什么缺点?各种名人中那类对社会更重要?  对名人有什么建议?

2 一个老人(a person who lives with you)
Part3老人的退休年龄是否应该延长?老人退休后对他们有何影响?老人退休后是否容易再就业?the situation of old people in your country? Why some people like living alone? advantages and disadvantages of living alone?

3 a family you like, but not yours


How often do you visit that family? 几个generation一起有啥advantage? 对孩子有啥影响?any change in attitudes towards family?

4  a person who helped you /  a friend/  a roommate
第三部分全是老年人问题  什么老年人需要什么样的帮助,老年人以后的生活会不会更好,为什么年轻人总是不愿意听老年人的建议,你能想象自己老了以后的生活是什么样子?

5 Park/garden

.p3 人们平常去绿地公园/户外做些什么?城市建绿地好不好?为什么城市需要建绿地?有什么作用? 户外如何保持healthy?拥挤的城市对农村的影响?

第三部分:你的国家有哪些现代城市、有哪些现代设施,traditional building 和modern building 的好处,家乡的现代建筑多吗?越来越多的高楼大厦对城市的影响  居民对此的感觉是什么?为什么有些政府大楼要建得很现代并且有观赏性,是不是实用性要更重要一点?

7 a school you studied  when you were young
PART3 为什么现在的人更愿意教小孩rather than older people?严厉教育小孩有什么好处?还是为什么现在社会提倡严厉教育小孩?一个好老师的quality是?小孩子们学习压力大吗,为什么?你觉得孩子们应该在一个大课堂里学习还是小课堂里,为什么?大学校和小学校,哪个好?Do you think school should teach social skills?EDUCATION IN RURAL AREAS VS IN BIG CITIES?

8 一次旅游(an educational visit)
PART3历史对于人们来说重要么?孩子应该学历史么?喜欢从长辈哪里了解历史么?如何区分历史故事的真伪?音乐在历史中占得地位重要么?古代和现在音乐的区别?你喜欢用什么交通工具去旅行,不同的人会用什么交通工具。你认为日后旅游的发展之类的。what  is the difference between business trip and tour trip? why do you think of the effect modern media have on tourism?,以及旅游人数增加对当地的影响?是问你喜欢一人旅游还是和朋友,各有什么好处? 然后什么样的人会去旅游?然后旅游当中最重要的是什么?

9 a city or a town you lived in( a city you visited)
第三部分关于污染的问题,,what kind entertainment facilities in cities.? What do you think is the best city to live in? Do you think live in the city is better for people's health? 大城市和小城市有什么区别? 人们为什么都愿意在city住?不同年纪的人喜欢不同城市吗? What about public transport in that city? What should the government do? What about the security in that city? How to prevent the crime?

10 a trip you have planned but you didn’t go to travel
Part 3do you think most people like traveling,why? why some people do not like traveling,why? do you like traveling ,why? if you go for a trip what will you prepare?

11 Describe your last week.(or weekend)
说的是上个星期你做了什么, 有些什么特别的事情发生, 这个星期对你最近有什么影响.

12 a place near water
part3 why do people like to go swim? How important it is for children to learn to swim? What are the sports related to water? How available it is for people in china to get clean water?

13 a big shopping center/ a small shop you like
P3: Why do you think shopping could make people relax? how do you think the credit card change people's shopping habit? Do you think credit card is safe for the children? Why? What are the changes of young men‘s shopping habit when they get older?


14 Something you bought but not often use it

Part 3 do u like shopping?  What the disadvantage of huge shopping mall?  what kind of recycling we can do?Do u think is important? How do u think Chinese recycling? Do you think in the future it will better and better in china?

15 an old thing in your family

16 a handicraft u made before/ A DIY THING
Part3一般有哪些东西是我们自己做的?需要哪些技巧?从哪里学来?人们一般为什么要自己做handicraft?什么情况下handicraft比factory made products受欢迎?问到为什么现在手工艺品不流行了?怎么鼓励大家重新重视传统工艺?中国传统的手工艺品有哪些?

17 an electronic equipment

part3问的是为什么学校会用这些科技的东西?为什么很多人要上网?上网有什么好处?不上网有什么坏处?在未来 你觉得科技会怎么发展?们家里还有很多电器产品。请举例。 那这些电器对人们有什么disadvantage?

18 a card or a letter you received

19 an ad

20 a work of art

part3人们都在墙上挂什么东西,是否所有人都喜欢去博物馆看艺术品?Compare the Chinese art and western art works. Do you like go to the art gallery? Do you think artists are being well-paid nowadays?

21 a toy
Part 3 Do you still keep your toy(described in part 2)?Why children like a certain toy instead of others? Do you think children have too many toys? How can parents avoid the situation? What kind of toys are popular in your country? Do you think toys can develop children's intelligence?


22 A TV program you don’t like / (A TV program you like)

第三部分 看电视时间太长会怎么样?  国外的电视节目的引入对年轻人的影响?你认为中国最受欢迎的什么节目?你认为是年后会有变化吗?有关于教育的节目,你认为有用吗? TV stars对年轻人来说的是好榜样还是坏榜样?为什么是坏榜样? 你认为明星是否挣钱过多?

23 a movie

24 a book you read in your childhood
第三部分问你觉得电子书和真实的书的区别?还有图书馆还有必要吗? 你认为孩子该什么时候开始读书,该看些什么书? how the book influence children? What kind of book do you like? have you ever read an English book? do your parents like to read? so your grandparents like to read? do you think what you like to read now will be the same in the future?

25 a good(exciting)  news(message) by phone

26 A famous story that is well-known in your country.
第三部分: what kind of story do you think children like? Why do you think children like to listen to story? Why do you think people like to write stories? Do you like writing stories?

27在newspapers or magazines上看到的一个article
part3 是媒体的问题 包括杂志分几种?对年轻人都有什么影响?什么人看什么类型?未来报纸和杂志会怎么样?电视和收音机里的news有什么不一样?什么人用收音机获得新闻?电视新闻该如何吸引观众?你如何让获得新闻?记者应具备什么素质?记者在中国的地位如何?

28介绍一本你看过的杂志/or newspaper

29 an interesting speech
你认为现在的小孩子可以要和professional 交流吗?在交流中会否有很大的障碍?


30 a healthy thing
关于过去和现在对健康的理解有何不同。如何倡导健康生活 具体措施?人们为什么平时运动少,有什么措施能够改变,学校应该做什么让小孩子多运动,人们平时喜欢什么运动?

31 describe a wild animal which you think is interesting
 S3: what do you think the future of the zoo? why people like to go to zoo? Why children like animals? There are stories of animals in every culture, why? do you think human activities are influencing  animals? 有必要保护这些野生动物么?

32 walking with your friend

part3 你觉得walk有什么好处,why?人们一般选择在哪walk,why?人们为什么选择在garden walk?人们上班一般会选择walk的方式么?why?怎么样鼓励人们选择walk的方式上班?

33 a day you relax(when ,why ,with whom)
part3 为什么年轻人与老人放松的方式不一样?人长时间不放松的影响? 你希望holiday可以是几天? 政府应该决定什么时候放假吗?

34 leisure activity
part3 孩子是否有充足的free time ,是否认为把时间花在个人爱好和习惯上是浪费时间的事情? 什么休闲活动在中国POPULAR?老年人和年轻人的休闲活动?

35 describe a public event




36 an ideal job/ a job or work you are good at
P3 important qualities of employee? 以及如何权衡生活和工作?怎么看待工作狂? What should the parents  do for their children to choose jobs? Do you think changing job is a positive thing? Which things influence people to choose job?

37 a special meal/ picnic
:你喜欢在家饭吗。中国人的食品的消费习惯。为什么supermarket 在中国受欢迎。你觉得去STORE方面还是去supermarket方便。随着超市越来越多,有什么负面影响.你觉得中国人会改变消费观吗。一开始餐馆吃饭和家里吃饭差别,到食品健康改变,对人们饮食习惯的影响?

38 an important conversation
part3:男女间的conversation有什么不同。和朋友、长辈的conversation有什么不同。 电话与面对面交流有什么区别?说不同语言的人交流有没有困难?只说一种全球性的语言有什么障碍?

39 a subject you like/ a science lesson  (biology, chemistry) that you learn in school(when, what, explain what do you like and dislike)
part3小孩和大人可以学相同的东西吗,近年来中国在教育方面有什么改变,你有想过做一个老师吗,如何做一个好老师,你遇到过不好的老师吗,如何做一个好学生?What do you think of Teacher’s social level? Do old people learn better than young people?/ 小孩应该在小的时候学science why?男生和女生学习science 有什么区别?如何鼓励女生学习science?Do you think women can learn science as good as men? Why? 各国家是否要share scientific achievements, why?中国孩子学science么?在课外怎么学?

40  something you did recently which made you happy
  part3 是什么事情让人很开心? 有的人很有钱 但是不开心 为什么?你认为什么才是真正的开心? why people feel happy from their work?why some people only feel happy in their work?有了钱能做什么,比较有钱和人际关系,获得钱和人际关系的异同? 以前的人快乐还是现在的人快乐?为什么有钱人的离婚率高?

41 a party you want to hold
part3  说一个你所在地方的传统节日。节日对于老人与孩子的意义?还有什么时候中国人have party的?家庭聚会一般干什么?以前和现在又什么区别?

42 an exciting sports 

43 a happy memory in your childhood/的a childhood activity
part3童年收到的最喜欢的礼物?你老了还会记得童年的事吗?为什么现在年轻人喜欢摇滚 流行的东西而不喜欢传统的?

44 a visitor to your home
,elder跟年轻人送礼有什么区别,喜不喜欢自己送自己做吃的给别人,why? What do people like to take as a gift when they visit others' home? What you would like to take as a gift? what people will do to welcome the visitor?Do you like to visit youths or orders?
