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考试网   2010-05-08   【
  1. The chairman says he needs an assistant that he can ___ take care of problems that may occur in his absence.

        A. count on B. resort to C. look up to D. seek after

        2. His intelligence and experience will enable him to ___ the complicated situation.

        A. cope with B. settle down C. intervene in D. interfere with


        3. The wood was so rotten that when we pulled, it ___ into fragments.

        A. broke away B. broke of C. broke up D. break through

        4. The terrorists might have planted a bomb on a plan in Athens, set to ____ when it arrived in New York.

        A. go off B. get off C. come off D. carry off


        5. All the information we have collected in relation to that caes ____ very little.

        A. make up for B. adds up to C. come up with D. puts up with

        6. Care should be taken to decrease the length of that one is ___ load continuous noise.

        A. subjected with B. filled with C. associated with D. attached to

        7. George assured his boss that he would _____ all his energies in doing hiw new job.

        A. call forth B. call at C. call on D. call of

        8. Attemps to persuade her to stay after she felt insulted were ____ .

        A. in no way B. on the contrary C. at a loss D. of no avail

        9. The formal gardens originally _____ in the early 1990's aere so elaborate that the care of 32 gardeners was required.

        A. laid down B. laid out C. laid over D. laid up

        10. If you _____ the bottle and cigarettes, you'll be much healthied.

        A. take off B. keep off C. get off D. set off

        11. Poverty depresses most people, _____ my father it was otherwise.

        A. in case B. in case of C. in the case of D. in any way

        12. He was such a busy man that after a long delay, he ____ writing the letter.

        A. get around to B. looked forward to C. passed on to D. took to

        13. Wten a psychologist does a general experiment about the human mind, he selects people ______ and ask them questions.

        A. at length B. at random C. in essence D. in bulk


        14. The fire must have ____ after the staff had gone home.

        A. broken down B. broken up C. broken out D. broken off


        15. There are several possible explanations for the greater job stability in Japan ______ the great mobility in the V.S.

        A. contrary to B. in regard to C. in contrast to D. with respect to

        16. It'stime we _____ the experiment, otherwise we can't complete the task according to the schedule.

        A. turned to B. saw to C got down to D. sat in

        17.At the party we found that the shy girl _______ her mother all the time.

        A. centering on B. adhering to C. coinciding with D. clinging to

        18. He failed to completely achieve the aim _____ by the teacher at the begining of the term.

        A. brought forth B. set forth C. come up D. put forward

        19. Malaria, it is sure, has been practically _____ in thirteen countries, including the V.S., and is under attack in many others.

        A. wiped out B. died out C. put out D. left out

        20. Digestion _____ the necessary chemical changes in the food which must occur before it can be absorbed.

        A.consist in B. feeds in C. puts in D. tucks in         精讲解题思路:

        1. 答案为A. A. count on:指望,依靠 B. resort to:求助于,凭借 C. look up to:敬仰,尊敬 D. seek after:探索,追求

        2. 答案为A. A. cope with:对付,处理 B. settle down:定居 C. intervene in:干涉,调停,阻挠 D. interferewith:干涉,妨碍

        3. 答案为C. A. broke away:(突然)逃跑 B. broke of:(突然)中止 C. broke up:打碎,破裂 D. break through:穿越

        4. 答案为A. A. go off:爆炸 B. get off:动身,下车 C. come off:脱离,分离 D. carry off:带去,抢去

        5. 答案为B. A. make up for:补偿 B. adds up to:等于,意味着 C. come up with:赶上,得出(主意,想法) D. puts up with忍受

        6. 答案为A. A. subjected with:使…遭受… B. filled with:使…充满… C. associated with:和…发生联系D. attached to:把…连接到…,使…附属于…

        7. 答案为A. A. call forth:唤起,得起(精神) B. call at:(到某处)拜访 C. call on:拜访(某人) D. call of:取消(某种活动)

        8. 答案为D. A. in no way:怎么也不,一点儿也不 B. on the contrary:相反地 C. at a loss:不知所措 D. of no avail:没用,无效

        9. 答案为B. A. lay down:放下,交出,规定,制定 B. laid out:安排,布置 C. laid over:做短暂停留 D. laid up:臣床不起

        10. 答案为B. A. take off:脱下(衣服),(飞机)起飞 B. keep off:远离,不接近 C. get off:下车 D. set off:动身,出发

        11. 答案为C. A. in case:假使,以防万一,后接从句 B. in case of:假使,万一 C. in the case of:对…来说,至于 D. in any way:无论如何,总之

        12. 答案为A. A. get around to:抽出时间(做某事) B. looked forward to:盼望 C. passed on to:传给 D. took to:开始喜欢,对…产生好感

        13. 答案为B. A. at length:冗长的,详细地 B. at random:随意地 C. in essence:实质上,在本质上 D. in bulk:整批地,大量地

        14. 答案为C. A. broken down:机器出毛病,人的身体垮了 B. broken up:结束,中止 C. broken out(战争、疾病、火灾)爆发 D. broken off:突然停止,折断

        15. 答案为C. A. contrary to:与…相反 B. in regard to:就…而论 C. in contrast to:与…对照 D. with respect to:关于

        16. 答案为C. A. turned to:求助于 B. saw to:负责,注意 C got down to:安下心来做 D. sat in:列席,旁听

        17. 答案为D. A. centering on:以…为中心 B. adhering to:粘附,遵守,坚持 C. coinciding with与…巧合 D. clinging to:紧紧抓住,粘着

        18. 答案为B. A. brought forth:提出(建议,主张) B. set forth提出(目标) C. come up:出现 D. put forward:与brought forth同义

        19. 答案为A. A. wiped out:消灭 B. died out:灭绝(不及物) C. put out:熄灭(火) D. left out:遗漏,省略

        20. 答案为A. A.consist in:在于 B. feeds in:输入 C. puts in:插入,伸进 D. tucks in:给…盖好被子
