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来源:考试网   2010-04-29   【

PartV Cloze (15 minutes)

Do you wakr up every day feeling too tired ,or even upset?if so .then a new alarm clock could be just for you .The clock ,called Sleep Smart,measures your sleep cycle,and waits ___67___you to be in your lightest phase of sleep ____68___rousing you.Its makers say that should ____69____you wake up feeling refreshed every morning.

As you sleep you pass ___70___a sequence of sleep states-light sleep,deep sleep and REM(raipd eye movement)sleep-that ____71___approximately every90 minutes .The point in that cycle at which you wake can ___72____how you feel later ,and may ____73____have a greater impact than hoew much or little you have slept,Being roused during a light phase____74____you are more likely to wake up energetic.

SleepSmart____75____the distinct pattern of brain waves____76____dring each phacs of sleep, via a headband equipped ____77____electrodes(电极)and a microprocessor. This measurese the lelctrical activity of the weather's brain, in much the ____78____way as some machines used for medical and reseach ____79____, and communicates wirelessly with a clock unit near the bed. You ____80____the clock with the latest time at ____81____you want to be wakende, and it ____82____duly(适时地)wakes you during the last light sleep phase before that.

The ____83____was invented by a group of students at Brown University in Rhode Island____84____a friend complained of waking up tired and performing poorly on a test." ____85____sleep deprived people ourselves, we started thinking of ____86____to do about it," says Eric Shashoua, a recent cillege graduate and now chief executive officer of Axon Sleep Research Laboratories, a company created by the stidents to develop their idea.

67.A)beside B)near C)for D) around

68.A)upon B)before C)towards D) till

69.A)ensure B)assure C)require D) request

70.A)through B)into C)about D) on

71.A)reveals B) reverses C)resumesD) repeats

72.A)effect B)affect C)reflect D) perfect

73.A)alteady B)every C)never D) even

74.A)means B)marks C)says D) dictates

75.A)removes B)relieves C)records D) recalls

76.A)proceeded B)produced C)proniunced D)progressed

77.A)by B)of C)with D)over

78.A)familiar B) similar C)tdentical D) same

79.A) findings B) prospects C)prpposals D)proposes

80.A) prompt B)program C)plug D) plan

81.A)where B)this C)which D) that

82.A)then B)also C)almost D) yet

83.A)claim B)conclusion C)concept D)explanation

84.A)once B)after C)since D) while

85.A)Besides B)Despite C)To D) As

86.A)what B)how C)whether D) when

part VI Translation

87. Having spent some time in the city, he had no trouble ________________(找到去历史博物馆的路).

参考答案:finding the way to the history museum

88. ______________________(为了挣钱供我上学), Mother often takes on more work than is good for her.

参考答案:In order to support my university studies (to finance my education)

89. The professor required that __________________(我们交研究报告)。

参考答案:we hand in our research report(s)

90. The more you explain, _________________(我愈糊涂).

参考答案:the more confused I am

91. Though a skilled worker, _______________(他被公司解雇了).

参考答案:he was fired by the company
