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来源:考试网   2020-08-15【

  1. 旅游产品 tourism products

  2. 高端旅游项目 high-end tourism projects

  3. 精品旅游路线 boutique travel itineraries

  4. 旅游示范区 tourism demonstration zone

  5. 旅行社 travel agency

  6. 青旅 youth hote

  l7. 家庭旅馆 home inn / family-run hotels

  8. 汽车旅馆 mote

  l9. 自由行/自助行 self-guided tour / free walker

  10. 跟团游 go on a package tour

  11. 目的地 destination

  12. 中国境内 within the territory of China

  13. 国内旅游domestic trip

  14. 出境旅游overseas trip / outbound travel

  15. 高加索 the Caucasus

  16. 免签 visa-free

  17. 落地签 visa on arrival

  18. 风景秀丽 picturesque scenery

  19. 四季如春 a spring-like weather all year round

  20. 物产丰饶be richly endowed

  21. 幅员最广、人口最多 cover the largest area and population

  22. 休闲度假、养生保健、邮轮游艇 leisure and vacation, healthcare and well-being as well as cruise and yacht travel

  23. 国际邮轮港 international cruise terminals

  24. 国际航线 international liner routes

  25. 入境手续 clearance procedures

  26. 滨海特色风情小镇 small towns featuring coastal characteristics

  27. 水乡 water villages

  28. 游客人次 tourist visits

  29. 门票价格 ticket prices

  30. 全域旅游示范区integrated tourism demonstration zone

  31. 全域旅游all-for-one tourism

  32. 重点国有景区key state tourist site

  33. 西北边陲 the Northwest border

  34. 大漠落日的壮美辽阔the magnificent setting sun against the vast expanse of the desert

  35. 长江中游地区 the middle reaches of the Yangtze River






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